Cura and nozzles


I’m used to using Cura with other printers but since doing a complete reinstall of 4.8.0 I see that it now includes the A350. This is the machine that I have but in the ‘Settings, Extruder 1’ menu it shows the print cores. Does any one have any idea of how these effect the use of a range of nozzles sizes? At work we use Ultimaker2 printers with the Olsen Block so to use a different nozzle I just selt it’s size, no reference to print core.
I ask this as I want to print with woodfilled PLA and following searches larger nozzles such as 0.5, 0.6 are recommended to reduce clogging. I’ve bought a range of MK8 nozzles on Amazon. As I understand it in Luban you set the nozzle size as a percentage but that appears not to make the necessary changes to wall thickness settings etc.

Any views, cures welcome


Are you still trying to use Luban with a different nozzle size? There is no setting in Luban for that.

In Cura you just change it under machine settings.


Here is a screen shot of the setup with the latest version of Cura and the included default setting for nozzles,cura
There is no option to select the nozzle size any other way even in the extruder dialog.


go into printer, manage printers, machine settings on the printer, then extruder tab

thats also where you can enter the specific, measured diameter of your filament which can affect your printing too

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