CNC Module does not work after first plug-in and firmware update

Hi there,

I bought the Snapmaker A350 through kickstarter years ago. In the last few months I only just set it up to use for 3D printing.

I had a project come up that required CNC. I plugged in the module with the machine off and started it up. It told me the module had outdated firmware and it went through the update process.

After this update process it is no longer detected.

I’ve rolled back the firmware.
I’ve installed the newest firmware.
I’ve tried the laser and 3D printing toolhead and both are detected.

Is there anything else I can do?

If it’s a faulty module Im kinda bummed as I guess I’m out of the warranty period.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @Phunk,
You probably need to update each module separately. If you upgrade the snapmaker by WiFi only the currently plugged module is updated (if needed, there isn’t allways a new module update with every new firmware). To update the other two modules is necesary to download and store the firmware on the usb stick and then power on the snapmaker with the module that needs the update while the usb stick is plugged.

So try this:

  1. Put the latest firmware update file Snapmaker2_V{version}.bin in your USB flash drive.
  2. Plug the drive into the Controller.
  3. On the Touchscreen, tap Files > USB > Snapmaker2_V{version}.bin
  4. When the process is finished, turn off the machine power and connect another head module
  5. Turn on the power . You will see a warning (module had outdated firmware) and the update
    should be done automatically.
  6. Perform steps 4 to 5 for all head modules (3D, CNC, Laser).

Hey thanks,

Ill give this a go.

Still no luck. Anyone have any other suggestions?

Well, try to collect the boot log - is very useful for diagnostics.
Connect Snapmaker to your computer with a USB cable and follow this guide :…/360055487434-How-to-Get…
You can show it here - then we can tell you more.

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