After firmware update CNC bit is not rotating while trying to carve. With the same files as before Im not able to turn on rotation of the bit. I turn it on and when I exit the menu it turns itself off. Before the update it was working but now I dont really understand what is the problem. After I cancel the carving the bit starts to rotate while coming back to origin position. Anyone has any idea what caused this? when Im using Snapmakerjs program it works, but in fusion 360 Im able to do much more complicated stuff so I want to use this one…
Have you figured out the solution to this problem? I am having the same issue. I loaded a .cnc file from fusion 360 into my stick. Started Cncing on my machine. When I start the job the module starts the job and moves but the bit does not turn at all…
Double-check the spindle speed. As I recall it accepts up to 12000, other values might overflow and not turn on the spindle. Also, use the post processor either provided from Snapmaker or here on the forum to ensure the code is output in Marlin format.
Thanks. I got it working. It was the post processor. Was using someone elses that may have had some bugs
Glad you got it figured out, hopefully it’s smooth from now on.