CNC and Fusion drills: need help!

Hi guys,
I’m trying using Fusion 360 to generate CNC code for my A150: I successfully made some 2D Contour and it works very well!
After the 2D Contour I’ve tried to just create 4 holes using drill feature of Fusion and simulating the process it seems to works fine but if I open the generated .cnc file in Luban I can’t see nothing.
I’m using the same post process of the 2D Contour so maybe it’s my fault but can’t find why.

Here there is the code file if someone could help me…

Test_CNC.cnc (666 Bytes)


just dropped it into luban 3.11.0 and it looks like its okey?

not sure if you’ve expected it to work in an area of 20x20mm though?
were you zoomed in enough?

Thanks for response!
I’m using Luban 3.12.0 (pre-release) on Mac OS and it seems that no file has been loaded (also the send file via WiFi is grayed out even if the Snap is already connected).

I’ll give it a try with the 3.11

It works on v3.11.0! I’ll open an issue on GitHub…
