I connected my J1 via a Raspberry on the back USB print to print via OctoPrint. It works pretty well so far, except I can’t print in copy mode.
These are the very first uncommented lines of gcode:
So I sliced a model in Luban an selected “Copy Mode”. When I print the file via backside USB connection only the left extruder print the object. But both hotends are heated.
But when I put the same file on a USB stick an just hit the touchscreen and select the file, the copy mode is already enabled (as expected) and it also print in copy modus.
So why cant I print via USB connection (without USB stick, or touchscreen) the copy mode?
The mirror mode works fine via USB connection also.
M605 S2 command works via USB with FW v2.3.5, the oldest available FW. Any next FW (started v2.4.8 on screen/ v2.1.28 via USB) does not work correctly with M605 S2 command. (Update: The older FWs are no more available for download but I can share it.)
Any other modes (S0, S3 tested) seems to be OK.
OSS versions of FW started as v 2.2.11 doesn’t work as well.
Can local staff check which change (v2.3.5/v2.4.8) can be the key issue here?
Note: Similar issue has Marlin itself (but with S2 and S3 modes of M605 command). One possibility is that this issue is “imported” from Marlin.
Bug update:
The bug is caused by commit c6c56a2: Pref: right extruder do not wait temper in the middle of bed when work in copy mode.
Since this commit, copy mode is not working via USB, commits works as expected.
I just got my J1s, and found problems using Octoprint through the back USB port for IDEX printing. I have not tried copy or mirror mode, but had to be very careful about placing M605 S0 and M605 S1 commands to get the two print heads to work correctly.