M600 refuses to work? Dual extruder issue

So, I’m trying to pause my print to inlay a laser engraving. I can not for the life of me get M600 to work for some reason. I’m printing solely with Extruder 2(T1) and every which way I enter the M600 command, it just skips right past it. Not sure what I might be doing wrong.

These are the methods I’ve tried;

M600 T1;

T1 M600;


T0 M600;(interestingly, this switches to Extruder 1(T0) and then proceeds through the print as if M600 was not there at all.

I believe I’ve also tried straight up M600;

What might be going wrong here? Thanks for your help!!

I am not sure on that one, but what slicer are you using?

I’m not sure you need to use M600 at all. I just put T0 or T1 and it swaps them around

I checked the gcode from some of my dual filament prints and M600 does not appear in them at all. I used simplify3d to slice it

Thanks for the message! At this point, I lookijg for any gcode alteration that will pause the print at a defined point. I need it to stop printing before a certain layer so I can put a piece of wood in the print, and then press continue on the print to enclose the wood in my print. Id there any gcode that will effectively pause the print other than M600 that I should be using? The only one I tried was M0. I believe that had the effect of straight terminating my print with no hope of continuing it.

I’m using Cura to slice at the moment. There is a firmware update for the printer… I’ll have to update and try again to see if it is a bug. I read somewhere that putting M600 before a fan/temp change was causing the machine to ignore the code but I’m really not sure if that is what is haopening here.

Oh i see

They did change to add a pause at one point, maybe that firmware will allow to work then. i think that was quite some time ago.

i see the post you are talking about from march, so maybe its a new bug that come in one of the updates. see if maybe the firmware update fixes it again. The staff said to let them know if it didnt fix the problem and there was no followup so maybe it will do the trick.

I see someone else having posted a different method, but it was from the original model. i am not quite sure if this is feasible or not with the snapmaker 2. im really rusty on my gcode and dont know what snapmaker actually uses (its not all there, and they have some custom too)

Not that it helps you, but simplify3d (which is a really nice slicer that was thought to be abandonded but has finally gotten the new version released), has the ability to break a print into seperate processes by layers so you can have it end at process 1 at the layer you want, then start the new job on process 2

personally i don’t like using any other slicer, because it just provides a quality part with good time without having to fiddle with a trillion things. it does have plenty of tuning tools tho.

if your curious i can make you a little video of it in action. i like doing that kind of thing and it would force me to refresh my memory.

It could be your use of semi-colon’s.
A semi-colon is used at the start of the line to indicate what comes after it is a comment and should be ignored. Not sure what happens when you put it at the end of a line with nothing directly after it.


Interesting. The method I’ve always used on the single extruder has been just, “M600;” on a line by itself and it has worked every time. Pauses without hesitation right where I tell it to.

I just created a numbered tower to test all of the following commands. Not one of them worked. This is definitely a bug. It is not working as it does with the single extruder. Just updated my firmware and nothing has worked. The tower was numbered 1-5 with each section having a corresponding line of code added. It did not stop at any section, just completed the print without stopping.

You can see here that it read the T0 on test number 5, but again, it just skipped over M600 and kept printing with extruder 1(T0). Since the extruder was not heated, the gears did not activate and it just made the movements necessary for the tip of the tower without extruding anything.

I’m wondering if it is because I’m solely printing with the second extruder… testing here to see what happens if I run the same code while printing with the first extruder…

Welp… that was it! Printing the same exact code with T1 replaced with T0 resulted in the print correctly pausing at test 1 out of 5 on the tower. So “M600;” works, but it will not work when printing solely with extruder 2(T1). That is strange, and probably should be reported as a bug?

If I am reading this right, it looks like M600 has been disabled in the firmware; it may actually be a glitch that it is working in at least one way.

This worked for me. Use a text editor to edit the .gcode file. Go through and place M76 on it’s own line at the lines of gcode where you need a pause. If you used PrusaSlicer and set a color change at the layers you needed, then it’s simpler. Using the text editor, “Find” all of the M600 commands and place M76 on the next line, on it’s own, after every M600 command or just replace the M600 with M76. Either way, the print will pause and the toolhead will park. You must manually replace your filament then resume the print.

It was cool working the problem because it brought me back to my days of DOS 1.1 and programming in BASIC. (Beginners Allpurpose Symbolic Instruction Code) 1984 was a long time ago and George Orwell was running late.