Can't see model in workspace but everything else works fine

Hi all

I checked but i didn’t found an answer, possibly it’s a stupid question…

I loaded a STL to luban, generated G-Code, i can see the model in “Home/Edit”, i can send it to my device (A250), i can see it on the device screeen, i can print it out but i can’t see nothin in the Workspace. Just empty. The data from the machine is present, the firm/software is the latest.

Any hints?

I noted that if you start the print from Luban it remains visible but when you send the .stll file to the printer it’s as if the printer takes over and Luban dismisses any need to display the data. My opinion is that may be intentional and it doesn’t appear to create any issues, at least not for me (so far).

The Workspace in the new release is buggy somehow. I had no issues in previous versions.
Also when the printer is connected and printing, sometimes the live data are displayed, sometimes not. Flaky.

I found it out! Sorry! In the new luban version you have to select the file and click “Start on Luban” to see the rendered G-Code. Also to send it to the device you have to click first on the file.
RTFM… Solved!