To be honest, I was really looking forward to the “easy to manage” Snapmaker.
At all… I got the machine three days ago and since then I spend at least seven hours in trying and testing. Nothing helped.
There is no way to connect the printer over Wifi. I tried several networks.
When I got the connection over the cable I can see the printer but for the Laser Cutting module I can’t see any “Camera” icon in Luban where I could adjust my engraving.
All the tutorials are made sooo easy but how should I reach goal when there is just a icon missing where I could click?!
When I just start the box blind without preadjusting my material the laser starts to move anywhere 10cm over the material without any effect. (as well as I calibratet before).
I hope somebody can help otherwise I really regret to have spent money on this!
I downloaded the latest firmware on the machine and the camera has a green light.
Thanks for your help!
How comes, that it’s only working with wifi?
As I use it in school the network does not allow to connect with unknown devices.
I guess I will only be able to work over the USB cable.
At least there is no printer shown in the list as well as I’m logged in on the same network.
The camera communicates over Bluetooth rather than going along the Snapmaker’s internal cables. Something about this setup results in the data not being available over the USB connection.
Is there any way you can set up your own network, separate from the school’s, and use that for the wifi connection? Note that it doesn’t have to be able to reach the Internet for this purpose.
Thanks for this hint. It sounds like a secret to me why this is not made for both connections but well…
I tried to connect over my smartphone but as I don’t have any connection in the workshop where I work, this wasn’t possible eighter…
I guess I have to accept that I will not work with this camera setting.
Thanks for the remark. I did connect the Snapmaker with a wifi. I’m logged in at the Computer and the machine with the same Wifi but still no result in the drop down menue.
Hi Florian,
On your phone, please enable the hot spot. After that, let the machine and computer connect to the hot spot to check whether it works. Thanks