Camera capture work origin way off

Here we are 2 years later. Same Fn! problem with the new 10w laser and Luban 4.4! WTF Snapmaker??? I have way too much money in this machine not to get a basic function of all the other competitiors out there…take a pick, lay your image down and go! Get it fixed or lets talk about a refund.

I layed the photo center at x0 y0…and it puts it up at x160 y160???

And btw…thanks for responding the first time I posted…

Feel free to contact me ASAP


i have the same problem , Snapmaker please fix it!!! WTF !!!

I have it on 0,0,0, and after i send it to machine the same shit , its begin on right upper corner to burn ! there is no wood on the place !

SNAPMEKER are the BETA Tester no more here ??? how can Luban so go out ?
Really big shit !

That looks correct. When you use the camera capture, it makes the 0,0 origin the lower left corner of the bed, instead of in the center. When you use the grid, 0,0 is in the center.

There’s even an option to change the work origin without the camera;
Screenshot 2022-12-18 083551

Although, work origin technically shouldn’t matter. It’s actually a bit of a professional feature knowing how to move your origin around and how to utilize it properly.

TL;DR Luban generated it correctly, and if you ran the program, it would come out properly. You can always turn the laser power to 1% and run the project to see if it works without actually burning.

EDIT: Keep in mind this only works if you also run the project in Luban, if you do this, then send it to the machine, it always sets the work origin in the center. So unless you’re going to run the project from Luban, do not use the camera capture.

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