Laser not centering?

Hello, I am super new to laser cutting. I set up my 10w laser did a camera capture and cut a simple circle on a piece of adhesive tape and it worked great!

Before I could do the next cutting, it asked me upgrade Luban and the firmware which I did.

Now ever time I try to laser either by camera capture or work origin, it goes to the upper left and try to start there. When I test it by boundaries it keeps going to that spot. Here you can see camera capture centered in the corner. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

That happens to me to. I just manually set it as I couldn’t figure out why the work origin changes to the upper left when using the camera capture. Here’s a link about that in a different discussion.

Same here. Camera is useless for the most part.

so weird thing. When I print thru Luban it works correctly and prints in the right spot. When I send the file to the printer and print from there it goes to the upper right corner…


I just looked that that thread and they said the same thing. Prints ok thru Luban but not when sent to the printer.

@nola7820 @snapUser
Did somebody of you contacted the support?
For me it seems like a malfunction. Maybe the support can give you an instruction to reset the laserhead.

There’s a known bug with the machine inappropriately resetting the origin on jobs printed through the touchscreen, if I recall correctly.

No, I just assumed that the way it works. I always laser from Luban with origin set to lower-left. I also found out (the hard way), that you must manually reset the origin X/Y after changing toolheads. As the laser seemed to remain at the origin of the CNC last job.

Had hoped all this would be fixed with 10w but it appears it hasn’t. (make sure you’ve got the correct machine size selected in Luban)

SM uses two different sets of coordinates depending upon whether you’re using the camera and running through Luban or running from either transferring through Luban or running from a usb drive.
This has been complained about since the first Kickstarter units arrived. They’ve never understood why that’s a problem.
In the end camera capture isn’t great and worth the time. Better and more accurate ways to set your work origin.


The ideal would be that whatever coordinates you set on the luban screen - whether you start the job directly from Luban or send it over by wi-fi or put it on an SD card and take it there - should be the same on the machine. THIS is what I never understood. Surely the GCODE being sent to the machine could include the starting coordinates?

As for camera capture, it does not work properly or at least not consistently so. I have in fact recently overlaid text on an object for engraving and tried to start the job from Luban and it went to the wrong place to start. Weird.

well i got a response from support. They said when you send it to Luban you set the work origin :roll_eyes::thinking:

LOL I just sent a reply back to see why then you have the camera capture…

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well the official response is that camera capture only works with Luban

seems weird when it worked after sending the info to the printer

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, because the camera capture is only can use on Luban. You may refer to this video: How to Use the Laser via Camera Capture – Snapmaker

We should have restricted the user from sending files to the machine even after using camera capture. I will submit this problem to our R&D department.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards

This happens to me as well