Camera Capture Freakout - Defective Laser Module?

I have run the camera calibration several times and this is what I get. I can’t figure out what the heck is going on. There is a square sheet of bass on the plate when the capture is done.

I did notice when running the calibration, the laster does not cut a complete square. There is a gap at each corner. Is that normal or is that perhaps part of the problem?

Is the laser module defective?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!


The gaps are ok and your picture is ok. All you have to do is to click on ‘Calibrate’ and put the lines exactly over the square.
Look at the manual point 4.8 Camera Capture

Oh geez. I totally missed that. I’ll give that a try. Thank you.

I tried to connect my laptop to the SM2. My machine doesn’t recognize it. At first, I thought it was because I didn’t have the CH340 driver installed. After installing it, it still didn’t recognize the connection to the SM2. Then, I found this article:

I am running Big Sur on my Mac and apparently, it already has a CH340 driver built-in to it. So, I unloaded and uninstalled the usbserial.kext.

I’m using the USB cable that came with the unit. However, my MacBook Pro as only USB C ports. So, I tried 2 different USB-C to USB-A adapters and my Mac still doesn’t see the SnapMaker.

I’m at a loss as to what to try to get my mac connected to the SM2 via USB Serial.

Any assistance is appreciated!


Not sure why it isn’t seeing it.
On my old MacBook (2009) I needed the drivers. On my new one running Catalina I didn’t.

I’m using this usb-c adapter:

FYI, camera capture only works over wi-fi (and then not very well).

@JonnieCache maybe this cable would help.

Thanks for that! I didn’t know that it only works over Wi-Fi.

@Artezio, thank you! I ordered a cable from Amazon!

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