Calibration pushing deep into buildplate

@DroneOn I think this should be a own thread on the forum.
What´s your calibration settings entering M503 in the console?
I´m interested in the offsets of the 9points.

They gave me the same procedure as they have posted. Check that the bed plate is installed correctly and do an M502 blag blah blah. This is after I sent them the logs and gcode file they requested. I will do it again this evening but no matter what I do my bed is not level and there are not enough grid points to properly compensate for it or it is just not working.

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I will have to get that data when I get home this evening. As for another thread, my printer did exactly what the title of this thread says so I think I am posting in the correct location.

Sorry, i thought this because of your picture below, >filament doesn´t stick correctly…

No worries. In fact you can see the gouge in the bed sheet in that photo. This is after I scraped and sanded it down as best as I could. Still not flush so I can’t flip it over or there will be a hump in the bed at that location.

You did verify that the bed support framework is right-side up?
Nuts need to be on the bottom.

Have you checked the level with my “Check Level Hot.gcode” file?

Yep nuts at the bottom since received and assembled.

I have not checked it with your code. I thought I would go back to stock and try my luck which didn’t go so well. I did buy three different gauges to use once I design a mount for at least one of them.

The code I referred to doesn’t require an indicator, it just lets you use the calibration card to recheck the 9 points.

I will give it a try after I redo all the tests for support again.

Luban can load your gcode and render it - then you can check to see if there was an issue with the gcode.
You “jog down” issue really is unrelated to this thread. You’d probably get more help and attention if you started a new thread with a relevant title.

After 14 hours of the machine being turned off, I tried again.
Calibration seemed to work - but then when I tried running the job, the quick-calibration started pressing somewhat (not real hard) into the bed on 5,6,7. So I stopped the job.

This is looking similar to the previous times I’ve had the same problem.
If I leave the machine off for several days, it will probably clear up (again).

So, hows this for a Theory.
It’s using a Magnetic sensor. I’m starting to wonder if some part of the machine near it slowly gets magnetized throwing the sensor off - then the field degrades with time. It only causes an issue if you do multiple calibrations in a short period to build the accumulated field up far enough.

I’ve noticed that if there is a glob of filament on the nozzle, this presses the base down so the sensor is off. This is worse in the back, because of the angle the plate gets pressed. I k ow it sounds silly, but check your nozzle tip is super clean b4 the cal real quick

Yes, I’ve seen that so I always check the nozzle.
That’s not the problem this time.
I’ve found that once the “press hard on the bed” issues starts, the most reliable fix is to just turn the machine off for a couple of days.
This is about the 4th time it’s happened for me.

What the real solution for the bed calibration ? I just want to put the snapmaker2 in the trash bin

The issues I’ve had, and solutions are:

  1. Make sure the bed support frame is right side up.
  2. Make sure there isn’t a glob of material on the nozzle.
  3. Make sure the sensor at the back right of the head isn’t loose. (I haven’t seen this, but others have)
  4. Let the machine sit turned off for several days - this seems to be the fix that works when it just suddenly starts having the problem after working fine for a while. In my case - it seems to happen when I’m doing a bunch of small parts, or having to do multiple attempts to tweak settings, so it has to quick-calibrate often.

Due to #4 happening to me several times, I’m beginning to think they have a residual magnetic field issue when the calibration is done frequently.

One more thing, take a straight edge and check to see if your bed is flat.

#1 check
#2 check
#3 check
#4 I refuse to accept that I can NOT use a printer, that I paid good money for, and must let it rest for several days.

#One more thing - This is the majority of my issue with the bed not being flat and the munual calibration A) incorrectly recording values and B) not having a larger sample of the bed mesh.

I am nearing the end of my patience with my bed issues not to mention my ruined bed from the gouging.

disheartened at the moment sorry

I made a google sheet that fix the manual calibration.
how to :

  • 1° Disable auto calibration and fast calibration
  • 2° Preheat your bed temp at your desired temp
  • 3° Calibrate only 3 point at a time and then push the exit button on the top left
  • 4° Preheat to come back at your desired temp and then calibrate another 3 points etc etc
  • 5° Connect your printer to your computer with USB launch Snapmaker Luban
  • 6° Download my google sheet to be able to add imput

Voila don’t hesitate to give me feedback


Will do so tomorrow and give the feedback.