Calibration issue with snapmaker A350

After updating the latest firmware Im getting the attached error and I tried many ways to calibrate but no luck. I got stuck at this error. I opened a ticket as well with Snapmaker support team and no response yet. Can anyone help. Really appreciate all your help.

Not sure what the reason is. You can send the log file after the exception to SM Support. Last time I solved the problem I encountered.

i got one of these the other day after jogging via touchscreen to max Z height (tip whatever you do NEVER do that, things get very very strange at that point).

for me hard power reset for 30 seconds fixed it, if that doesn’t power off, check all you connection are snug etc and them power back on

I got this the other day. I disconnected the head and then shut it down. I then restarted with it replugged in after I disconnected and reconnected each connection. Then my updates were done and everything was good. I got the issue after an update earlier last week.