Calibrate the leveling sensor


i had problems with my nozzle so i disassemble my Printhead. to clean it and fix the Problem. After i assemble the Printhead again. Now my Levelsensor is on a wrong position so the nozzle go in the bed if i autolevel the bed.

Have somebody an idea how i can fix the problem and recalibrate the Sensor on the correct position.

(Sorry for my bad english) :slight_smile:


Hey @FatMasterM
Look at this thread:
Snapmaker official response to print head gouging?

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Thank You,

I try it tomorrow.

If you disasembled the printhead, be sure to have the hotend correctly installed, It is possible that the heatbreak is not mountet correctly, have a look at it, it can eventualy go more inside the printhead.

Either the nozzle isn’t all the way seated in the hot end or the hot end itself hasn’t been inserted all the way.
