Ack. I have some leveling issues on my A350.
I ran the auto calibration and then I went to start my next print, and it was like the sensor didn’t detect the bed and it gouged right into the bed during the auto level. Like deep. I did the manual leveling and got the same result. I have printed 400+ hours and not had this problem. Wtf have I done ??Hi, here is one way to test the proximity sensor. You can click the icon of “Calibration” in the touchscreen and the printing module will drop. Push a metal board close to the nozzle, and it will stop dropping and you can see a red dot on the surface of it. Here is a video for your reference…
Appreciated for the link, dengpengliu7
I tried this and the red light appeared, but did not stop lowering the head.
I replaced the hot end kit and tried to level the platform. The head pushes slightly down on locations 4, then on location 5 it kicksback on the y axis. it then stops, moves to between the 1,2,8,9 positions and stops. I have tried raising it at that point, but after I save it, I attempt to relevel it and the problem returns.
Can you take some photos of your assembly please? the linear modules mounted on the base plate and the aluminum webbed platform