I have recently started my journey with our Snapmaker A350 and I’m learning so much about 3D printing. (I haven’t tried CNC or Laser yet, but Sooon!)
I found a model I’m trying to print ( Thing files for Orthanc by Sonnyjune98 - Thingiverse). The issue is when I resize this to about 3inches tall, it’s losing huge chunks of detail in Luban when I generate G-code. The entire top of the tower just vanishes on me. Are there any tips or suggestions you could provide on what I might be doing wrong or something I could try to have these details at a smaller size?
Thank you!
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3D printers don’t print well below about 1.0-1.2x the diameter of the nozzle. So the 0.4mm nozzle that’s on the machine really like to print things .4-.5mm at minimum.
So the slicer is removing features that result in less than that width of an extrusion. You just can’t squeeze a tube of filament out of a .4mm nozzle that’s less than .4mm.
Additionally, you’ll generally get better print results with walls being 2 extrusions thick at minimum - single extrusion thick walls aren’t ideal. So that would make the minimum feature size you’d actually want to be around 0.8mm bare minimum.
If you’re quite set on printing this at that scale you’ll need a smaller nozzle.
Replacement nozzles are cheap and worth having around. Here’s a set of 20 for like $6, ranging in size: https://smile.amazon.com/Nozzle-Printer-Extruder-Makerbot-Creality/dp/B07Q8QMX9J?sa-no-redirect=1&th=1
Also, since Luban can’t understand nozzles different than 0.4mm you’ll have to use Cura or some other slicer to add in the custom nozzle size.
Thank you! I had assumed the software wasn’t able to process the details that fine or something, but the nozzle diameter makes perfect sense. I really appreciate you explaining those details to me, and I will pick up some different nozzle sizes for the printer.
I’ll also look at Cura. I’ve seen it mentioned around a bit but was nervous to move out of Luban. I did also get MeshMixer and am trying to understand that one.
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You’re welcome! We’ll add that what you’re embarking on is considered not really a beginner skill so hopefully you’ll learn a lot and don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t work on the first try.
Teaching tech has an online calibration tool and you’ll need to rerun several of the calibrations for your machine because you’re going to change the flow properties by changing the nozzle size.
there is a proper way and the wrong way to change the nozzle and if you do it wrong it can result in a gooey mess so you want to do some research on that.
Good luck!
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Unfortunately I am an easily frustrated person, but I have been really enjoying working with the printer, mistakes and all. I had several nasty messes before I learned what SUPPORTS were, lol! Thus far, I haven’t been frustrated, and I’m certain I’ll figure things out (with community and google help) as I go.
I’ve downloaded Cura and I’ll be taking my first steps with that after work today.
Thank you!
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