So, we got our A350 3 days ago and after much twiddling, have made some progress, but are still struggling with adhesion and have not been able to get a successful calibration print yet.
Setting the myriad other issues aside, I think the z-axis level might be an issue, but at this point have no trust in the auto-leveling process anymore and was wondering how to fix it.
I have done the auto-leveling/calibration process a number of times, and about 1/3rd of the time it freaks out in the upper-right corner and goes down so far that it forces the nozzle into the print board to the point that there is now a hole in the board.
The first few times I auto-leveled, it went through all 9 points on its own (though it would often do that hyper-press in the upper left), after which I would manually adjust the z-axis as prescribed. The last few times it tells me I have to adjust the last point manually.
Also, is it supposed to end up in the center of the print grid, or off to the left by a few centimeters? Because it always ends up on the left.
If I were to try to manually calibrate the entire thing myself, what would be the best way to do that?