Artisan first impressions: awesome device but some help wanted

Last week I suddenly received a call a 75kg package was to be delivered.
I have not received any shipping info or tracking code, but there it was: 2 hugh boxes with Artisan.

I also ordered the air purifier, but that was not part of this delivery. I hope to receive it in the near future.

Over the weekend my son and I have good fun putting it all together.
Now trying out this beast of a machine. I think I did not realise how big it was.

First 3d print setup went smooth. Got filament loaded, did test prints to calibrate the nozzles.
Than the demo penholder: unfortunately. I tried several times, but the bottom just would not stick. The bottom layer is zigzagged and when returning from the edges it pulls some of the material back resulting in some filament in the middle but not touching the edges and when the 2nd layer starts, it just pulls everything loose. I did try some lubricant.
Eventually I just looked up a bench model and that printed pretty good the first time.
Today wanted to try the penholder again but somehow not it did not use the support material and I stopped it when there was a whole circle floating in the air.

Gave it another try but now model includes some strange cylinder. I don’t want the cylinder. Don’t see the use for it and don’t want to waste time and material on it, but I cannot figure out how to get rid of it. I did find the .snap3dp file but how can you edit it? Luban does not seem to have any editing features and Fusion 360 doesn’t want to open it as well.
Any ideas?

Then tonight I tried the laser module. The 3d-print module unloading procedure is not very clear in the manual. The only thing I could find was just a note somewhere in between other text.
Calibrating the laser module went ok.
The loaded the ruler model, made a background picture but the ratio was off. The model didn’t even fit on the board. Ps, I firstly used the wrong (bigger) board. Don’t know the english names for all those kinds of board and pictures were in favorite of the wrong one.
Eventually when taking the background picture, clicked on ‘Calibate’ and this allowed me to put a square on the A4-paper image it took in the first laser calibration procedure.
After this, the ratio was good and ready too print.
At first sight, it was very clear the laser was waaaaayyy too high above the target. The laser spot was about 1cm diameter. I kept it running though. The end result was disappointing: no marker lines at all and where it had to cut the board a big backend 5mm wide line and the enclosure filled with smoke.

Have now tried to recalibrate the laser but it stays way to high.
Tried the ‘start work from origin’ method, but the documentation is very slim. Just cannot figure out how to do this. On the Artisan via Configuration, with the laser on, I moved the ‘work’ settings to set the laser in the centre of the board and just <1 cm of the board where the laser dot seemed to be the smallest.
Then started the print again, from Luban workspace, but now it moved the laser even higher.

So how to get this laser working?
I saw another post about the laser being too high. I did upgrade the firmware on the first startup of the device. Must I rollback to an older version?

This is my first 3d printer/laser/cnc device so I have much too learn.
The manual looks very nice is and is easy to follow, but I feel there is some essential information missing like a proper ‘how to swap modules’ guideline or troubleshooting section. I have looked at the snapmaker wiki, but could not find the info there either.


Roll back the Firmware to 2.0.11 i Think. Install it from USB the .bin and the Laser will be work.

Viel Erfolg.

I also noticed that the first layer is too high. Other layers are at the correct distance.

Probably a setting in Luban. But I come from Cura and do not want to deal with Luban as a slicer.

I also did the update to V2.0.16 and after that the autofocus did not work.

I downgraded to V2.0.11 and it worked again.

But when I take picture with the camera and place my engraving on the photo, the laser goes somewhere. I have calibrated the cameras.

I also have the problem that the connection to the air purifier keeps giving an error code “7-1”. If I first turn on the power supply of the suction and then the Artisan controller, then it usually works.

Regarding your laser problem: You can switch to manual focus when starting the job and manually set the height using the calibration card.

How can I find manually the focus? I also hav troubels with the laser calibration
 but I do not use luban
 I only use lightburn because i often need different layers for layer engraving and cutting

Start the job and tap in to the right top corner as shown in the picture from my last post.

then tap “manual focus”

You can move the axis to your defined start point. Z-Axis should be 10mm above your workpiece. you can use the calibration target for setting the height.

I don’t think anyone has addressed your question about the “strange cylinder” yet. This is sometimes called a “purge tower” and it’s used by the printing process to help keep the extruder clean which improves print quality. It’s probably better not to try and print without it, at least until you get things running well.


I was about to downgrade the firmware when I noticed a new firmware update: v2.1.1
Upgraded to this version.
Recalibrated for the laser (thickness, bed level and camera) and then again took the ruler example.
Now the laser did seem to work. Markings are nice. However, it did not completely cut the rulers out.
Wasn’t it supposed to do that?
The cutting tool path is set to 1 pass and 100% power by default.
Would a second pass not cut it completely?
Or still something wrong with the automatic thickness measurement why it did not cut it in a single pass?

Short update:
I did a second pass of the cut lines at 100%. Then most of it was through but not enough to get it out easily.
Did a third pass at 75% and then was able to get the pieces out. Had to sand some edges.
But looking good.

My Artisan is here and mounted.
After calibrating and printing the 2-color pen cup, I did a first test with TPU.


hi - where do I find the Firmware 2.0.11 for Artisan for downgrade?

I got mine also this week. Quality of packaging and device are just impressive. Assembling worked fine. But I have already with 3D printing my difficulties. While setting up it upgraded to current firmware and I use Luban 4.6.3
The testmodel was not good. Then I tried a simple 50x50x0.4mm solid body (made with fusion). The threads are very weak and can pull off as one line. Putting the material flow to 200% made it a little bit better. But the surface still not closed. Looks like there is too less material. You can look through the solid parts. Quite disappointing.

This is already with 200% material flow. Without its hardly to get down the plate in one piece.

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which FW and Luban version did you use?

@MP_Trixi u can download each release here Snapmaker Artisan Firmware Updates and Downloads

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I Use the newest Firmware i think 2.1.1. Luban is 4,6,3.

For Black i use 215 centigrade and 225 centigrade for the white Pla.

Strange. I have 2.1.1 (the one with german language support) and Luban 4.6.3.
And it do not work (had default settings). Have now Luban 4.6.1. Now I installed 4.6.1. It seems better Trying now a more complex model

Results with Luban 4.6.1 and FW 2.1.1:

Left one with Luban 4.6.3

Hi @MP_Trixi i use Luban 4.6.3 and FW 2.1.1 and it looks good.

I upgraded firmware after successful calibration of my new machine. But after the firmware upgrade the prints are quite underextruded and the x hight is too low.
Did you downgrade the firmware?
How did it go after that?

About the Pen Holder: it’s problematic. It’s a combination of the model, the firmware, and the material settings. Other models will make for a better first print to troubleshoot. Short story to fix some of your problems:

  • Luban’s material settings for the standard black PLA and breakaway PLA that shipped with the machine don’t quite work. I set the print temps a little lower and the hold temps a little higher. You’ll have to play with the settings yourself, each setup is a little different.
  • The extra cylinder is called a Prime Tower. The tower caused my print to fail so I turned it off and compensated with tighter control of my Standby Temperatures for each material. Screenshot for how to turn that off attached. Good luck!
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