Adding aluminum angle iron to prevent X Sway Stability

Hi all,

I am trying to replicate what I see in this post regarding reinforcing against x sway by attaching a 2in aluminum angle to the top of the snapmaker a350.

My only concern is while milling the aluminum I do not want to reinforce any existing slant to my system. Seems pretty close to level, etc, but I know there can be complex warps.

Does anyone know the exact factory distance between the screw holes on the top of each z axis stepper, and how far apart each stepper should be?

Thank you!

Maybe wait for this?

These look to be for the y axes to stabilize the build plate? Not really what I’m talking about here. I’ve already done a linear rail mod that is much more sturdy than this.

I’m talking about adding a cross-beam on the top of the machine.

200W cnc is interesting though!