A350 Z axis moving down only

Hmmmm. Usually I see people say grease was wedging the switch stuck, or a cable or something was pressing on the switch.

Haven’t come across what you’re saying before. That sounds like it could be a different issue.

I believe the switches will show as “triggered” if a cable becomes unplugged. You should probably reach out to support so as to ensure no warranties get voided by damaging anything. They likely will have you take off the cable side. There’s a few gotchas when disassembling and reassembling that side that can damage things - cables that get caught, or pieces that can hang and be damaged.

However, if you feel handy and capable, there’s a nice picture-guide of the inside of that side here:
Excessive play in x-axis linear module bracket. His issue was different than yours, but the last picture shows the control boards inside - there’s a black and white cable that plugs into a connector from the side (not shown in the picture) that I think may have come out?

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