2W IR Module dead after two jobs

Hi, my fairly unused IR Module is not emitting any laser anymore. It finished one job last night and the laser does not turn on. Not even the fan in the module turns on (at least I cant hear it).

The 10W Laser is working fine, and the CNC and 3DPrint module is recognised. After installing the 2W IR module I can do the callibration and stuff and even start a laser-job, but the module is not emitting any laser.

Of course I contacted support and openend a ticket, I just want to make sure it’s not my fault of handling things wrong.

Firmware is up to date… Any ideas?


Is it correctly recognized on the touchscreen (green dot)?

Where is the green dot supposed to be? It is recognized as the 2W IR module after swapping, and I can do callibration.

Unfortunately I can’t find any troubleshooting about the 2W Laser but maybe your door detection is faulty?

I don’t think so - it’s moving like it should, but no laser output …

If your door detection is disabled, it would move but not light up (at least with the 20/40W laser, so maybe…)

Shoot a ticket to support
Or email support@snapmaker.com

No, but thanks.
The Engraving starts, all looks good, but the laser does nothing which points me to a not working laser diode …

That is exactly what the lasers will do if it thinks the door is open. It will move as per normal with Zero laser output.

A little update:

When making a video of the laser-job I noticed that there IS output from the laser, but not enough to engrave the aluminum or stainless steel. Ticket has been opened with support…

If the door of the Artisan is open, the laser will not move or work…

Let us know your solution please!

There is no solution yet, once we have one I will post the outcome of this issue.

Hi, the solution is - totally unexpected :slight_smile: - the exchange of the 2W IR laser module. In my opinion the laser-diode is working, but the power control is damaged. it is still under warranty so there should be no problem. I appreciate the good quality of the SM support!

After checking the log-files with SM-support, it was NOT the door detection - it was working absolutely fine :wink:


Out of curiosity, Did you change modules with the machine powered up?

No, I did not - I used the option to exchange modules in the Artisan display menu!

Thank you for sharing!

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