Laser module not working

My laser module has been acting up from the start. Even when using the exact same settings and materials, I’d never get the same results twice.

Yesterday I noticed that the cooling fan on my laser module wasn’t working properly and smoke started building up in the enclosure. Today, the laser beam started flickering and the laser no longer cuts through anything, even though the power is set to 100% (it barely manages to engrave cardboard at this point).

I’ve cleaned the laser uni, re-set the device and re-installed the latest software update, checked the cable connections and re-calibrated the laser multiple times.

I eventually got it to work for about 10 minutes, but now it’s back to overheating.

I think the module may be faulty.

Has anyone had similar issues?

Hi mine had the fan on wrong way round which caused dust buildup on the inside of the laser tube / housing and probably on the laser lens itself. Contacted support to be allowed to turn the fan around without voiding warranty which was agreed upon. So I turned the fan around and have no problems since.

Thanks for your replies.

I emailed customer support and they asked me to run a couple of tests. Turns out the module was faulty (most likely a fan issue).
They kindly sent me a replacement - works like a charm :slight_smile:

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