Z offset Issue after Crash and not able to Print anymore

I got my 5m usb cable I will try it with the usb connection although my Mac Pro had a Kernel panic last time I downloaded the CH340 Driver for macOS Mojave 10.14 so im avoiding to connect with usb

well im to unexperianced for this to completely understand what that link is about also trying to understand @Tone s post about the matrix and the adjustment to get a better first layer maybe I spend so much time in the forum and reading and getting a little bit lost :smiley:

Here is something new after i homed over wifi i can now go down for 9mm and not more this maschine never failes to suprise me

Ok yeah im completely confused now :sweat_smile:
How can i save it into a file? And should i send a log to snapmaker or what this is?

I will do as you say with the M503 and i messaged the support and some staff to go trough this topic but need to contact the support over a other way

@WilliamBosacker do you think the firmware bug only happened because of the unique chain of events? I’ve been following this from the beginning, but you and others said everything I would’ve so I stayed quiet to prevent confusion.

Btw M502 is the command for factory reset. I am unsure if this resets the firmware as well or only configurations and settings.

Lmao best quote ever. And you’re right. Support needs to take over, this is now rougher waters than initially* thought. I know if followed by M500 it seeds it into the EEPROM but a remote factory reset is typically a bad idea, possibly limited on what it resets, and generally a factory reset needs to be located as an option on the machine itself, because what if it needed to be reset for not being able to connect with Luban?

Another fact is, we weren’t there and didn’t see exactly what happened during all the chaos. For all we know, a cable could’ve been strained in addition to the sensor housing also knowingly being damaged.

I would appreciate it if my snapmaker not gets destroyed :joy: yeah that is realy a wild and for me confusing chain of events and issues :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
So the next step is to contact the support to prevent further damage.

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But the 3x3 and 5x5 grid leveling were successful and i started them over the touchscreen

No i only did it over wifi when doing the 11x11 because while being connected via wifi u cant control on the touchscreen. But the normal 5x5 i did als with the touchscreen

just for reference, i have managed to do multiple 11 x 11 on my 1.12.1 A350

Can someone send me a link where i can creat a support ticket indont find it

Ahh, you have a other platform for your heated bed, this causes your negative grid points, I see.

Is your tool head working?
Your homeposition is Z9.
There are multiple work space origins able to be configured in Marlin Firmware, don’t remember the gcode now…

What are your coordinates if you home from serial connection over Luban?
Same with the other tool heads?

Yes its a custom aluminium plate with a thickness of 6mm. But i used it even befor the glasbed and worked just fine so that is not causing the problems itself and the toolhead worked normal.
On one of the pitures you should see the homing coordinates

So heres a little update the support contacted me and said i should reinstall the new firmware if this doesnt help we would do some troubleshooting via skype. The reinstall didnt worked i wrote a email and see what happens next week.

Ok i checked the left liniar rails and the limit switch worked when im at home i will check the right one

I saw you guys mentioned the issue with leveling and the firmware. Isn’t that what was very recently fixed in the 1.12.2 firmware update?

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But seems like the bed mesh issue is fixed wich is great :pray:t3:

Other question how did you manage to recreate the issue maybe the support team can do it too and find a solution for it?

What do you mean by helped? :eyes:

Ok so one limit switch doesnt work and that results in a failed homing

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