xy axes rock very loudly and rattle

I have studied this topic extensively. If you can actualy see the linear rail carriages wobbling during movement, espeically direction changes, and you can wiggle them by hand, then I can almost guarantee the u-groove bearings inside the linear rail modules are worn/defective. The older SM 2.0 standard A model machines have been notorious for this issue, and from what I have seen I would believe the newer T-suffix models are not any better since they use the same bearings in the exact same fashion. It is a major engineering design fault that SM has been noted as refusing to acknowledge for several years. Most users have resorted to DIY fixes by disassembling the rails to replace the bearings, and/or installing support rails and bracing mods to eliminate it from happening again.

There is some useful information about the bed frame and heated bed that you can read about here:
