Windows 10 or MacOS Catalina?

I was able to get my A350 to connect by disconnecting from WiFi and connecting to my neighbor’s WiFi, knowing it would fail, but also flush the previous connection.

Once I reconnected to my WiFi it asked for my password and let me in.

I’ll confess some of the problem was not understanding how to use Luban, this being my first system. I hope to see a ‘real’ software user guide in the future.

@Dojima 's process worked for me on MacOS BigSur. No extra drivers, unplugged everything. Plugged in C-to-A adapter, waiting 5 seconds. Plugged in USB cable to Snapmaker. It took about 15 seconds for /dev/tty.usbserial-1440 to show up in the drop down. Once it did, it connected fine. M503 shows status.

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