Thanks for the reply.
I looked at the link and it doesn’t seem to be the feature I want.
I’m OK with using Luban to transfer.
The printer’s touch screen is a pain in the ass.
My request is to make the touch controls unnecessary.
The computer is located in my room but the printer is located in a work room about 20 meters away.
→Work room
Turn on the Printer
→my room
Request Wifi connection in Luban
→Work room
Touch screen connection authorization
→my room
Upload Gcode from Luban
→Work room
Start printing on touch screen
This is very inconvenient as it requires the operation of a touch screen.
IdeaMaker (Raise3D) was able to do the following.
→Work room
Turn on the Printer
→my room
Wifi connection request on IdeaMaker
Upload Gcode from IdeaMaker
Start printing from IdeaMaker
If the problem is that the printer automatically triggers a wifi connection request, I think you could make it possible to set a password for automatic connection.
I look forward to the improvement of Luban and touch screen functions.
As I am finishing development of a cura extension the next days for the Snapmaker, where exactly this problem is solved. There is no need to use Luban for 3d Printing anymore.
So stay tuned. I will release it here on the forum.
I, too, would like to be able to connect to snapmaker and start a print from Luban without interacting with the touchscreen at all. The connect/start process was a pain in the butt from the very first time I used the printer and the issue still remains. When testing the devices, do Snapmaker’s designers enjoy having to do the touchscreen authorization and then two more touches to start a print? Why is there still no option to subvert the touchscreen?