Luban is missing an important dial in the 3d printing settings: fan speed. (Part cooler, not enclosure.) I know it can be done in Cura/Marlin with a simple gcode, but I’ve not tested this on SM2 yet. Curious if others have… PLA not a big deal, but I would really like to easily control it for PETG and ABS printing.
I’m aware someone made a fan diverter mod, but that’s silly and I’d rather fix this in software.
Agreed. And while we’re at it please add flow multiplier to both Luban and the touchscreen. Work speed can be varied but not flow without invoking terminals and gcode.
Both can be set through the terminal, I forgot the gcode but it does work to set it thatway… but I agree this is the only printer I know of without those settings available via the touch screen.
Totally agree! I tried Simplfy3D. The features there allow more control, but I have issues using the gcode files on the SM2. I.e. layer shifting at a certain point/layer…
By the way the gcode is M106, you can also edit the gcode file before uploading the the SM.
You know what might be useful - a gcode postscript entry in the JSON profiles for material and print quality. Basically an array of gcode lines to append to the initialization, before the first layer is printed.That way users could configure printer setup as precisely as they want, without requiring constant UI changes (which are a pain to write).