Parts fan wont stay off when printing ABS

Maybe I’m missing a setting but when trying to print ABS-GF with the fan speed setting at 0% in the material setup, regardless of what I do after the first 3 layers the parts fan comes on high and trashes the print. Only solution I have found was to just unplug it when printing high temp materials.

Am I missing a setting someplace, why does Luban not have a way to control this fan? Any insight appreciated.

Are you sure you set the cooling fan to 0% for all layers, and not just the initial layer fan speed?

Sounds strange. :thinking:

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To improve the adhesion of petg, I usually control the fan not to start during the initial printing stage by setting “turn off cooling for the first n layers”. I haven’t tried turning off the fan completely yet, but perhaps you can try setting this value large enough to cover the entire printing process.

you can edit the gcode file, with notepad++, search for M106 S*** then delete all lines with that entry or simply replace M106 S***by M107 (that is the turn off fan command)
until luban give us the possibility to modify the start/end gcode