Why are L/R Extruder Print Options Different?

I’m trying to understand how Luban handles settings between Left and Right extruders. The Print options are different between left and right. Luban seems hard wired to assume that the right extruder is always for support. For example, there is no print model option for the Right extruder.

Also, what are the “Helpers” settings for? I can’t find documentation describing these features.


Left extruder owns the global settings for the entire slice, right one get some say but really isn’t in control of much, its why they branched into IDEX printers there are limits to the Marlin Control system

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Ok, understood. The “Model” options on the first nozzle are universal. For example, if I declare “vase mode” there, that applies to the gcode produced for both extruders printing separate parts. This makes sense.

What about the “Helpers” options? Do those only apply to support? Also, I’m not sure what “Adhesion” means re Helpers.