I’m new to Snapmaker but really impressed with the kit and the people that manufacture it.
I’m so close to purchasing the A350, but I have a question first:
I really need to use the CNC option to mill 4mm sheets of aluminium. I’m sure with the correct milling bits the CNC module would cope fine, but with reference to a video I watched on YouTube by Snapmaker (called “Snapmaker 2.0 livestream”) back on 4th June 2019 the presenters introduced a spindle (Mikita I think) and attachment that allowed them to fit a third party spindle to the A250 or A350 (44minutes 10 seconds in).
2 years later - does anyone know if this spindle attachment (converter) is available in the UK? Being able to fit a stronger spindle fills me with confidence that I would be able to work on cutting aluminium.
In my opinion this is absolutely the wrong machine for what you’re attempting to do with it.
You need to understand machine rigidity is the limiting factor and not the spindle power. You will have huge amounts of chatter and poor surface finish if you attempt that.
It can be done as you saw, but it is pushing the machine to and beyond the maximum forces it can withstand. The linear modules that apply forces have a small internal set of pulleys (held together by a plastic carriage) that will be quickly vibrated out of adjustment, if not broken outright.
If you’re sure, spend your money. I think, though, that if you were really sure you’d not need to be asking here. Personally I think you’ll be very, very disappointed with an A350 for milling aluminum.
We haven’t seen anything except the very first pre-kickstarter prototypes. (which are the videos @Makeurmark is referencing) So it’s just pure speculation what it’s capabilities will be. There’s a big difference between running a prototype for a few minutes for a marketing video and actually using it for an actual project.
The current road map mentions a planned 500mm rail but nothing more about an XL-CNC.
The thickness of the current rails isn’t really the problem anyway. The size and design of the brackets that hold the modules and the way the bed is cantilevered is more of an issue. I feel that if it was as simple as attaching a Makita, we’d already see it as an option. I think they quickly discovered that it wasn’t viable and that’s why we haven’t heard more about it.
There have been people on FB that have printed adapters for makita, desalt and some other trim routers and quickly found that they were unusable. The most they’ve been able to do is attach a slightly higher powered spindle and even then they found the need to add extra support to the bed.
Look elsewhere for milling aluminum.
t does everything adequately but with limitations and nothing exceptionally well. It’s definitely a hobbyists machine and not professional. If you only have the footprint for one device and you want to dabble in all 3 three, I recommend the SM. If you only need two of the functions and have the space, then get two different machines. For me (especially at the KS price) it was a great entry into all of them and I learned a lot. I’ve easily paid for my machine.
Don’t read too much into my remark, I was just saying it would be dumb if it couldn’t handle it after Snapmaker pouring all that time and resources into developing it. Would seem wasted. I was also referencing the Kickstarter demonstration, but we all know what happened to the rotary vs the Kickstarter
Thanks everyone, much appreciated. So glad I posted here before committing. I did wonder about all the points you have mentioned. To get to the point, my question has been answered. I am now looking at “Stepcraft”. Thank you all once again…