Where could I find documentation about the Snapmaker Printer API?

Hi, I want to make a custom software for myself to automate generating gcode files from a folder and sending it to the printer to print it. I discovered the printer has a REST API to communicate and I would like to know where could I find a full detailed documentation about the API usages and responses.

I discovered this from another post (this one) but I couldn’t find the documentation of the API anywhere online. Could someone share a link?
About programming, there’s something more I should know when operating with the machine programming interface? I started to get in touch with the gcode format and found some libraries with macros to generate them, does the printer have special commands that I should be aware of?

My printer model is the snampaker 2.0 and I want to make this software for laser prints.
This folder full of prints are all pieces of a bigger structure that are printed independently on the surface and together makes the final product.

PS: almost forgot! Do exist a snapmaker printer “emulator” that could fake the API responses and functionality of the printer in a virtual space so I could test my software without the need of the physical printer? Do exist a dev-kit for the snapmaker?

There is no API doc.
Maybe this helps you: Guide: Automatic Start via Drag/Drop - #4 by Skreelink

There is no API doc, but Luban is open source. As is the Cura plugin to send files to the printer from Cura.

If I was going to write such an automation tool, I’d probably start with the Cura plugin and turn it into a stand alone program.

[Edit to add] The 2.0 has documented the supported GCodes.

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