Guide: Automatic Start via Drag/Drop

A few more I made.

If you’re doing batch production and just want to keep repeating the same thing, you can simply send the start print code again via a bat file. I saved it as RestartPrint.bat

@echo off
curl -X POST "http://[IP HERE]:8080/api/v1/connect?token=[TOKEN HERE]"
curl -X POST "http://[IP HERE]:8080/api/v1/start_print?token=[TOKEN HERE]"

Same if you want to stop it if something goes wrong and you’re not close to the machine, named unironically StopPrint.bat

@echo off
curl -X POST "http://[IP HERE]:8080/api/v1/connect?token=[TOKEN HERE]"
curl -X POST "http://[IP HERE]:8080/api/v1/stop_print?token=[TOKEN HERE]"

A fun one, if you want to send lines of code yourself (basically the console in Luban). I named mine SendCode.bat It will continue to ask for the next command until you close the window.

@echo off
set /p code=gcode to send:
curl -X POST "http://[IP HERE]:8080/api/v1/connect?token=[TOKEN HERE]"
curl -X POST "http://[IP HERE]:8080/api/v1/execute_code?token=[TOKEN HERE]&code=%code%"
goto :a

Keep in mind the letters in the gcode have to be capitals. i.e. G28 and not g28 and either send it with no spaces G0Y100 or with underscores G0_Y00. This works with the snapmaker specific MXXXX codes as well, such as M2000 for system inquiry. This is how the console in Luban works, anything you input is sent as a web API using the above URL. Just more on my endeavor to not use Luban at all. :upside_down_face:

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