Using Cura, How best to send GCode to Snapmaker?

I do all my slicing using Cura as it is very flexible and integrates with Fusion 360 for design. I use a Raspberry pi connected through USB to Snapmaker running Octoprint. Interface with Octoprint from any computer on my network. Cura sends prints automatically to Octoprint using the Octoprint plugin and Octorpint manages the Snapmaker. It works great and I have a camera connected to Octoprint so don’t need to move from my chair and beer to set off a print from my laptop. I get feedback on progress and can monitor progress using the camera connected to the Raspberry Pi through Octoprint. I can also control head location/temperature and send GCODE commands directly to Snapmaker from my laptop through Octoprint.
As the Raspberry pi is connected via USB to the Snapmaker I don’t have to get out of my chair to confirm anything on the Snapmaker screen. Simple end to end workflow.

If you don’t want to bother with Octoprint you can send GCODE direct to Snapmaker using the send to method in Bret’s post. I use it for Laser and CNC where you have to do stuff on the machine to make it all work.