
This is a modification of the bracket that I used for my filament guide. Hopefully this speeds up the creation for some of you for attachable accessories for the snapmaker.

I have offered a wide range of brackets:
DualBracket - 2 screw holes (mount up to two brackets per end)
DualMinimalBracket - 2 screw holes (mount up to 4 brackets per end)
QuadBracket - 4 screw holes
OctoBracket - 8 screw holes

The brackets will attache to any of the Linear Module ends.

I am waiting for someone to make a vacuum and some cooling attachments! :smiley:. Get to making!


Here is an example of the kind of thing you can make with one of the adapters!


Perfect idea!
I hate the current position of the display…
Maybe I’ll use an L-shaped part to mount the display to the left side of my Snapmaker.

But the first important thing for me is to replace all the screws to “real” ones with a defined rigidity (I think 8.8 will be ok) - not these soft screws made of “steel”.


What Size Are the Screws?

The screws are the metric size M4

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Thanks, Do you have any recommendations?