Having issues with printing again.
The first layer is always kinda wavey, which seems to ripple throughout the entire print.
This is very noticable on larger, flat items… I’m getting very tired of screwing with this. Truth be told, smaller parts that dont have large flat areas don’t seem to come out bad… It just seems like big flat parts. The little waviness may be present on the first layer but usually it levels out after a layer or two.
Now, I have tried hot… I have tried cold… I have tried fast… I have tried slow.
I have done extruder calibration, I have done linear actuation…
I print temperature towers, which all look the same on the posts, and none of the bridges look good, minus the hottest one which is usually kind of thing but at least stays where it belongs.
Long story short, I am really getting frusterated. Every time i make a step forward something else gets worse.
So right now, I had attributed the problems to crappy filmament, from a supposidly good brand, but measuring it, its quite oval.
However, this spool I have now, which was purchased from Snapmaker (after they rejected the orginal material, this should be the esun material now), is also out of round.
Both brands, i can measure 1.75, i can measure 1.73, i can measure 2.25. Depends on where I spin it.
If the diameter of the filament is the source of my issues, where do I find filament that isn’t straight up garbage… I have so many brands… so many colors…
I try lowering the flow rate, I try slowing it down…
I also tried the retraction test, the posts looks identical all the way up.
Here are some pictures of what is coming out of my printer, trying any number of settings:
You’ll see I tried doing the same part many times, i start the job and walk away, go to work and come back or whatever… now im more able to look at it and kill it much faster.
Note the top of the calibration cube, Z dimension is off while X and Y are closer to each other and the target.
The wrinkling on the print bed, the poor extrusion on the top surface… but… the sides are coming out so much nicer with the linear setting of .06 based on the test.
I can also put one of the many versions of the G-code for that part, this is the most recent:
I want to post the gcode for the file right now but it wont let me because its too large it says… so all I can share is the start of it where the values are defined
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.7.1
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
;M104=print temp, M140 = bed temp, 109 = print temp wait, 190 = bed temp wait
M104 S210 ;Start heating extruder
M140 S50 ;Start heating bed
G28 ;home
G90 ;absolute positioning
G1 X-10 Y-10 F3000
G1 Z0 F1800
M190 S50 ;Wait for Bed Temperature ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding
M109 S210 ;Wait for Hotend Temperature ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding
G92 E0 ;Reset the extruder’s origin/length
G1 E1 F200 ;extrude 1mm @ 200mm/s feedrate (prime)
G92 E0 ;Reset the extruder’s origin/length
G92 E0 ;Reset the extruder’s origin/length
M900 K0.06 ;Linear Advance K-Factor
G92 E0 ;Reset the extruder’s origin/length
G1 F3600 E-5
I’ve done the bed temp, nozzle temp, flow rate, etc. Top layer quantity was 7