So I have decided to create a new post as I have never really enjoyed my 3d printer and frustrations are at full level now.
Hopefully everyone can pitch in and help unravel this mystery.
So after posting on several groups and even DM-ing people that helped, couldn’t really get anywhere.
Meanwhile, I have done a factory reset. Only done the K Value and e steps, please see M503 below.
G21 ; (mm)
M92 X160.00 Y160.00 Z400.00 B888.89 Current E225.84, BACKUP SINGLE E225.84, BACKUP DUAL E667.22
M203 X120.00 Y120.00 Z40.00 E25.00
M201 X3000.00 Y3000.00 Z100.00 E10000.00
M204 P1000.00 R1000.00 T1000.00
M205 B20000.00 S0.00 T0.00 P0.05 L3.00 C0.05 J0.02
M206 X-17.00 Y-8.00 Z0.00
M218 T1 X26.00 Y0.00 Z-1.500
left_z_compensation: 1.00 right_z_compensation: 1.00
M420 S1 Z0.00
G29 W I0 J0 Z8.27875
G29 W I1 J0 Z8.31499
G29 W I2 J0 Z8.32374
G29 W I3 J0 Z8.24000
G29 W I4 J0 Z8.11749
G29 W I0 J1 Z8.21250
G29 W I1 J1 Z8.28374
G29 W I2 J1 Z8.20000
G29 W I3 J1 Z8.14499
G29 W I4 J1 Z8.04500
G29 W I0 J2 Z8.21749
G29 W I1 J2 Z8.34500
G29 W I2 J2 Z8.25999
G29 W I3 J2 Z8.21499
G29 W I4 J2 Z8.10625
G29 W I0 J3 Z8.21749
G29 W I1 J3 Z8.35625
G29 W I2 J3 Z8.33000
G29 W I3 J3 Z8.26875
G29 W I4 J3 Z8.08750
G29 W I0 J4 Z8.25500
G29 W I1 J4 Z8.35250
G29 W I2 J4 Z8.34875
G29 W I3 J4 Z8.26125
G29 W I4 J4 Z8.11749
M301 E0 P13.00 I0.10 D17.00
M301 E1 P13.00 I0.10 D17.00
M851 Z0.00
M900 T0 K0.07
M900 T1 K0.04
Started printing
sleepingcatplanter 450ml_1692101652639.gcode (5.3 MB)
And then started doing photos of the progress
First layer :
After a few layers ( not sure why that layer is in the air ) maybe because the default bed temp is 70 and then drops on its own to 50… Personally I’ve used 60 for my bed, plenty of adhesion …
Stopped the print so I could show you how it looks from underneath ( the side that sticks to the bed )
And then left it print.
Paused a bit just to show some ghosting straight away and some inconsistent infill ( on red is not as noticeable, but pulled one from my archive to show you what I mean.
The final result, in all it’s glory:
Now people would say that the filament is bad, i have hundreds of photos with different PLA colours and brands and some petg that shows the same issue… I can send them …
I have also done a flow calibration cube… just to see if under-extrusion might be a cause, and the result was the opposite of what I was expecting:
Small deformation on first 4 layers and then of, only some really small cracklings on the wall… maybe air bubbles or something, the camera couldn’t see them, but they were all over the walls… I blame the filament on this one…
But then I took my callipers and measured : 0.47, 0.46, 0.46, 0.45, so an average of 0.46, nice…
Unfortunately I don’t know how to adjust the flow on Luban and not sure if I should… baring in mind I have under-extrusion problems, and before people say that I should use different slicers, I did… the problem is still there no matter what…
So now I am out of any solutions…