Ultimaker Cura PLA/ABS profile

Ultimaker Cura PLA/ABS profile

I’ve done a number of molding runs with PLA/ABS and I’m getting random gaps between the laminations in the 1.6mm wall of the contour circular shape.
I believe the problem is in the Cura settings as I have already adjusted the E-step and K-factor.
Luban is not used, except for laser machining.

Does anyone know why I am getting small unfilled-like lines between the wall laminations?

If possible, could you please give me your profiles optimized with Snapmaker 2.0 for acceleration, jerk, etc.?
Thank you very much.

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I am attaching the Cura profile I am using.
I have it set at E:214 K:0.12.
I will also include a picture of where the stacking lines on the wall will be.

Do you have any suggestions on how to improve this?

Do you have any suggestions on acceleration or jerk settings?

Thanks in advance.
Snapmaker A250 PLA.zip (1.7 KB)

To me, it looks like under extrusion.

First suggestion is to make sure your E-step is correct. I know you said you tweak them but E214 is very close to the stock value and historically it is off.

Your K-factor is close to mine so I don’t think it is the issue. BUT if you find out that you have a new E-step, redo the Linear Advance Tuning.

I didn’t see anything specific in your profile regarding speed. Acceleration and Jerk tweaking will more make any difference here.

Note: You set the temperature at 200, check a temp tower and see if 205 might be better, it might slightly help against under-extrusion). Also I personally disable “Retract at Layer Change” and “Retract Before Outer Wall”.

Check PrusaSlicer just in case. I often go back and forth between the 2 slicers.

I have attached my profile just in case.
Standard PLA SM2.curaprofile.zip (778 Bytes)

Dear Mr. Laermor

Thank you for your advice.

The value of E-Step is E214, which is consistent with the actual calculation, so I think there is no problem.
As for K, it is 1.4~1.8.

I have received advice elsewhere, and the result seems to be “insufficient extrusion” as you predicted.

I had set the filament pull to 3mm, but the solution was to set it to 1mm to reduce the time of under-extrusion at the start of the layer layer.

However, there was still a slight lack of extrusion at the start of the layered layer, so I set the molding speed of the wall molding to 20 mm/s.

Some people pointed out that the pull-in and pull-back were unnecessary, but we were satisfied with the results at 0.5mm for soft PLA and 1mm for hard PLA.

ABS is also very good at 250℃ with 1.5mm pull-in, but without pull-in and pull-back, the seam seems to be rough due to the increased extrusion volume caused by its viscosity.

I don’t know the optimum value for acceleration control and jerk control.
If you are using Snapmaker 2.0 A250/A350 and have found the optimum values, please let me know.

Unless you go high speed or want to solve ringing problems, acceleration and jerk will not solve the under-extrusion.

Another though, when is the last time you changed your nozzle? I’m wandering that since you switch between different type of filament, your nozzle might get some debrits.

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Acceleration and jerk are used with Cura’s default values as I don’t know what the optimal values are.

It was only recently that…

Molded wall roughness has improved considerably with the latest Cura 5.0 Beta version.

Wall roughness and fine line molding has been improved.

I am still using the existing profiles, but Cura 5.0 Beta is very clean in its moldability.

It is a beta version, but you might want to give it a try.

However, please note that plug-in files are not loaded, so you cannot use programs that send files to Snapmaker.