I’ve working with the Snapmaker now for some weeks. It is a great machine, but I’ve lots of problems with the touchscreen.
During prints, or sometimes after prints or after inserting the USB Stick it is not reacting any more. The time period is different. The USB problem is repeating every second time.
After this problem occures, I’ve to restart the Snapmaker to work on. Is there some method to restart the TouchScreen Initialization during power on? Has somebody the same problems?
Can somebody help me please.
Just unpacked my snapmaker
And did the update with the usb stick led is blinking blue really fast.
So its says the update is complete.
But the touchscreen isnt working
Dies somebody know why?
What can i do?
Hey @Kenny702.
Do you have the Snapmaker original, right?
Did the touchscreen work before upgrading the firmware?
I´m sorry to ask this, is it plugged in correctly?-Port over the Usb-A?
If your machine is already calibrated well you could even print via snapmakerjs or luban through serial/usb connection.
It is also possible to calibrate it through serial connection but this is not easy and a fail could cause damage to your printer.