Strange one: temp goes to zero during print

An odd one here today. Printing fine, getting to about layer 8 on a large-ish print and when I go look at the printer I notice that it’s moving but nothing is extruding. I use Octopi via an Rpi to manage print jobs and at first glance everything is OK, but then I look at the temperature tab and it’s set both the nozzle and bed to zero, so of course with no heat on the nozzle, nothing get extruded.

I pause the job, and manually set it back to PETG temperatures and the job picks back up (hoping that the missing 2 minutes won’t cause any major issues, but it’s a mostly flat piece so this should be OK). What’s bizarre is that this is the second time this has happened today. The first time I didn’t think to look at the Octopi temperature graph and assumed is was a blockage in the extruder and swapped the nozzle, but I’m thinking that this is a recurring issue about 2h30-45m into a print.

I checked the GCode and there are no temperature commands in the middle of the file, just at the start and the end as it should be (using PrusaSlicer with a custom profile for the A350).

I recently applied a firmware update (V1.14.3_20220617, controller V4.4.17)

Newer firmware to fix this, maybe?

Side notes: I recently tried going back to the latest version of Luban and got really crappy results. The PrusaSlicer does a much better job. The same .3mf input file and the Luban was creating blobs everywhere and I realized later was starting the job before the bed temperature was set. Sigh.

I would try upgrading to the latest firmware first…v1.15.21.


Normally this occurs when your machine detects a temp. runaway. It stops heating immediately, bed and extruder could not heated anymore till switching the machine off/on again.

Check your connector of the hotend, the pins of the plug could become a bit loose…

Could also be an issue with your bed. How do the wires look?

All of the connections are fine and I didn’t need to reboot the machine. I just set the temperature back to PETG in Octopi, unpaused the job and it continued just fine.

And with the current firmware (upgraded two days ago) the problem came back in the middle of a long print. Unfortunately it happened while the print was running overnight so I came in this morning to the print head happily moving around in the air 5 cm above the last successful print layer.

12 hours of print time and filament wasted. Sigh. On the Octopi front, nothing in the printer notifications tab or traces of anomalies.

You have to email support and or share your logs. Good luck!