Snapmakerjs Downloads and Updates

Feb. 15: V2.5.2

Thank you for your suggestions to make Snapmakerjs better. Here comes the latest version. Your feedback is always appreciated. Please post bug reports and feedback to this topic: Bug Reports and Feedback for Snapmakerjs V2.5.X =)

Release Note

Change Log:

  • Work Space -> Laser Widget: Distinguished focus power and work power
  • Laser G-code Generator:
    • Added Camera Aid Background to accurately place the image to be engraved on the material. Please click the below icon for the instructions.
    • Greyscale: Added Movement Mode. If Line is selected, you can set the work speed 3-4 times faster than before.
  • CNC G-code Generator: Added CNC Relief Carving (Greyscale)
  • Bugfixes
    • 3D Printing: the bug that the model‘s position is incorrectly determined.
    • Laser: the bug that the position of the preview image or the generated G-code is incorrect.
    • The language of the software can’t be changed to Korean.

Snapmakerjs for Mac OS

Snapmakerjs for Windows 64 bit

Snapmakerjs for Windows 32 bit (Reuploaded 4/28/20)

Snapmakerjs for Linux 64 bit

Option 1 (Recommended)

Option 2

Snapmakerjs for Linux 32 bit

Option 1 (Recommended)

Option 2