Thanks for response!
I saw the spring description on the link but where to put the spring? Do you have a picture to understand better where and how the spring works on the project?
Sorry for the stupid question but I printed the holder and I received the blade and it’s not clear to me how to assembly because: should I unscrew the blade until it length stick solid inside the printed holder? The spring has 7mm hole and can’t push the little pin on the upside of the blade…
The spring goes inside the printed mount at the very top. The blade holder has a push button at the top which releases the blade. Put the spring on that button and put the blade holder into the mount. It pushes the blade down to account for the uneven sticker surface.
I use one of the Snapmaker magnetic print sheets laid on the wasteboard because they’re perfectly suited for this use, but you will permanently damage them. If you don’t want to sacrifice one, I recommend finding a plastic or wood cutting board that is nice and flat. The wasteboard does not work because of the holes.
Thanks for this design. This is really useful and fun. In your experience what’s the best way to hold the vinyl in place? I’ve used blue masking tape around the edges of the vinyl and that works ok for smaller designs but for larger things the vinyl keeps pulling up.
I have not had a problem with the vinyl lifting. Perhaps your setup is placing too much shear pressure on the vinyl? There could be a lot of different reasons for this. The head being lowered too much, a spring that is too strong, the wrong blade angle for the material, a dull blade, very thick material, sticky residue on the glide surface of the blade holder. Just a few things that I would check if I was having the problem. Best of luck! Let us know if you figure it out!
Thanks for your help. As you suggested my problem was that the initial z position of the knife was too low so I was cutting all the way through the vinyl and the paper backing in places. I’ve found it helpful to
thicken the paper backing by adding a layer or two of masking tape to the back ( non-vinyl side ) of the backing paper. This gives me a wider margin of error if I still cut a little too deep in places.
use a piece of scrap paper to set the initial z height of the blade. I attach my vinyl material to the work surface with masking tape at the edges. Then I lay a single piece of printer paper on top of it. I lower the blade until it just cuts through the paper when I pull the paper back and forth and use that for the initial z position. Then I remove the paper and start the cutting.
I wanted to thank you for this idea which helped me to get my own solution worked out. I ended up creating my own holder because my cable management doesn’t allow me to easily plug in the head if it’s not mounted.
One question though, am I correct saying that the bed leveling from the 3D printer does not carry over to CNC? It seems that my bed is not level (drag knife cuts less deep in the front left area). Is there any way to do a bed leveling for CNC other than adjusting the platform physically?