That price is reasonable if it comes with a subscription to F360
That would be a good deal (with Fusion), but mount the module to the tabel - are you thinking it is possible to get run level enough to mill such models? I would be not surpised when they came not from an Snapmaker almost.
the 50 dollar button is almost reasonable.
the rotary module - when it comes down in price and has all the kinks worked out i might be willing to pay half of that.
do we get discounts for modifying our machines to make it usable first?
luban needs about a good 10 years of development before it would be effective at doing any thing special on it. they cant even get the base model right yet hehe
Has actually anyone noticed the air filter?
In the video posted by @sdj544 you can see it at 2:38 on the right of the A350.
You can also see it in the ABS video which they posted on YouTube at 2:06.
I guess this will also soon be announced. Actually I am looking forward to getting some information about the air filter more than on the rotary module since this a pretty difficult part to DIY…
I don’t know what for, but I need it
I received the email to pre-order the rotary module. In Italy, with shipments and customs it will costs € 800. Absolutely out of mind
They can stick their 600 dollar rotary module firmly in their rear ends.
It probably wouldn’t rotate their colon when they did.
I’m definitely pretty disappointed about the price. I was hoping for around $300. A shame for sure.
In AZ USA $648 after tax and shipping. Not as bad as other countries.
I think they caught wind of the $600 stimulus check and set that as the price point.
Oh well I was excited until it would break me.
Can’t wait to see people’s results.
Please guys, let’s stay civil! While I agree that the rotary module is a bit on the expensive side for a hobbyist, that’s no reason to get rude - just don’t buy it, and leave it there. I see many people saying it’s too expensive on Facebook, so I suppose Snapmaker will not sell too many units. And the laws of market will then cause the price to go down.
I can understand the general diappointment, and admit that I feel it too after seeing the extremly cool figurines in the video/on Facebook triggering the want to have it factor. Still, I’ll not buy it - the very few occasions I can currently imagine I’ll benefit from that module don’t justify such an invest.
I’m new around here, as-in, I’m not a Kickstarter backer, I ordered my A350 in August and the final boxes of my order arrived today. Tomorrow is unpacking day.
I’ve not been provided the offer of being a tester for the rotary module and I don’t know what the actual price will be in Australia, but it’s likely to be around AUD $800 based on the prices I’ve seen mentioned.
Looking at lathe chucks which seem to cost around $500 and based on the fact that it’s controlled by the SM, I don’t think that it’s overpriced.
I know that it’s not a hobby price, but then I’ve not thought of this as a hobby, rather for me it’s an experiment in local manufacturing.
I see more value in the rotary module than in a dual extruder, but that’s probably not a universal view or experience.
I look forward to being able to click on the buy now button.
i agree with ITmaze. Not really cheap, but for a PC controlled lathe with the expected quality it is worth the price, I think.
After a long time of going back and forth and looking at the current account balance, I finally decided to go for it. Just ordered the bundle. Let’s see if it’s worth the fun.
Yes I ordered the rotary module, I also ordered Snapmaker2 350, Snapmaker Enclosure along with exreas.
After waiting for over 12 months delivery missed three due dates so enquired about the shipment, Snapmaker canceled my order and refunded my payments.
I wouldn’t trust Snapmaker to be able to produce a worthwhile device and certainly don’t support the people who put them on the map. Scam: They take your money, get the interest for 12months, and leave you without anything other than a empty space on your bench.
Are you a troll?! I can’t understand your post, you have no unit and ordered a rotary module.
Rotary module is available since a few days now.
He is only a bit confused
Only available for people who are backers, not yet for the rest of us
I hope everyone interested in the rotary module paid close attention to the usable space. It looks ok for A350 owners, but way too small for A250 owners. What can one do with 7 cm of mounting space?
Yep, scam! All the people showing fotos of their machines here are utter liars, paid by Snapmaker to build up an illusion that Snapmaker 2 exists. And also all the problems discussed here in the forum: Just made up. And the Americans never landed on the moon btw!
Sorry, could not resist. I feel with you and your frustration, but I find it somewhat unfair to discredit the whole business just because your case obviously failed epically.
Well, everything is Relative, Dyson sell a hair dryer for £299 and a hair styling kit for £750 then there are the cereal boxes down from 500g boxes to 340g but still cost the same. I brought a bar of chocolate to make a desert only to fine that they have shaved 10g of the bar but still the same price. And let us not forget Apple £25 for a piece of leather to hold a pencil, Mac pro wheels COSTING £699 for 4 wheeling. Here is a link to an unboxing video which sums up the whole thing.
Yes, the rotary module is more than I thought it would be would I buy one yes, I am going to wait and see how many people bitch about it after they get one lol and all the problems that they may have. Again, it is the only rotary tool on the market that can do so much for so little (maybe) at that price.
I received the mail yesterday with the possibility to order the rotary module (I was a pre-order, not a backer).
I would love to buy this, but at this point don’t see a real use for it yet (i.e. I haven’t been able to come up with a good project for myself to justify purchasing this ) And due to that the price definitely is too high to be an impulse buy. And not worth the possible savings of 50EUR vs ordering it later.
I am a bit worried on the software-front and especially the machining paths etc. For example all pictures and movies are only shown with the v-bit. Great for fine details, but not for a first roughing pass. Something that I’m afraid won’t be possible with just Luban. And if I need an additional Fusion 360 subscription, it’s a no go for me unfortunately.
That being said. I very much appreciate the honesty and warnings on the page and in the mail.
From the mail:
Who is it for?
The rotary module, in our honest opinion, is fun to play with. However, users across the board must generally know that there is a learning curve with the Snapmaker 2.0 Rotary Module, as with 4-axis CNC machining. We have developed tools such as Origin Assistant and Bit Assistant to ease your learning process. It ultimately comes down to whether you are a maker that wants to further hone your CNC machining skills. The rotary module is not plug and play, and we would like everyone to be informed.
On the webpage they also include that there is a significant learning curve. So I can definitely appreciate that.