TLDR: Please check the build area profiles you’ve provided to Cura. Also, please create new ones for the new quickswap and bracing kit configuration options or make that information easier to find on your website.
Hey, I recently printed a helmet, slicing it in Cura with the Snapmaker-provided dual extruder machine setup. Unfortunately it just so happens that we set up the quick swap a while ago which I found reduces the build volume by 15mm in y and z (after much searching through your website).
The helmet happened to be within that difference, so there was no warning from the slicer that the model was too big and the machine couldn’t print to that height. The result was that the remaining layers were printed on the maximum height, building it up and pushing the nossle and helmet hard into the bed and making it rock. After realising what was happening I finally killed it, but it took a while since I was printing at 0.16 layer heights. I cleaned off the metal strips last night (they had some charring/black marks) and will hopefully be printing some more this weekend if nothing is damaged.
To prevent this happening to others I thought I should let you know so you can add some more machine profiles for Cura to account for the different setups like in Luban, or at least make a table of build volumes for each of the setups easily accessible on your website. I also believe (from memory though) that the Cura machine profile says it can go to 320mm in x, but I believe it’s only 310mm.
I spent lots of time trying to determine the actual build volumes because (from memory) the page for the A350 only listed build volumes for the generic laser, cnc and printer. The dual extruder page only lists volumes for itself. The bracing kit page only mentions volumes for the standard modules when it’s applied. The quick swap lists the build volume after adding it, but not what the original size was so I calculated it to be -15mm in y and z.