Hello, is there any update available for the steppers for silent mode?
You have to buy the new set of rails. It comes with two 8mm pitch for Z, and three 20mm pitch for X/Y.
hello, how is it possible that I bought the A350 model last November and it didn’t come equipped with these steppers?
According to the attached link this upgrade has existed since 2021…
According to the attached link this upgrade has existed since 2021…
They sold the A , A/T and F models side-by-side for awhile. The old A models have the 8mm pitch noisy rails, while the A/T and F models have the new rails. It just depends on which one you grabbed, the A models were cheaper.
The A-model is still out there? I could not find it in the EU shop at least…
@sjoaosilva you can check if you have the old or new modules - the new have writing on it:
The old ones do not. If you have the new ones but they are not silent: You’re printing too fast. Beyond a certain speed the silent-mode is no longer possible.
They are not anymore, but back in 2021 they were and through a lot of 2022. Guess they finally ran through all their old stock with all the sales they’ve had on them.
Hello, yes i have the new ones. But if printing at 40 or 60 mm/s is too fast than something is really rong with my machine…
Keep in mind with the mechanical connections of a full leadscrew system, it’ll never be as quiet as a belt driven system. It’s a lot of weight, a lot of inertia, and it’s all rigidly connected so it transfers the vibrations and resonates. You can try to decouple it from the surface it’s on via a concrete slab and foam, or 3d printed vibration feet. The advertised printing speed of the A/T and F models with the new rails is presented as 100mm/s, though they recently had a beta firmware to push it higher to 125mm/s
Personally, I’ve done 100mm/s with my old A350 with 8mm lead rails (not recommended, but worked for me). It wasn’t really more noisy and pulled it off fine. My F350 with 10W laser slapped on I can still hear it, but I have a couple Prusa machines to compare to, so they’re both louder to me.
The noises that i’m tolking ar not mechanical.
Are de noises of the steppers.
Can you try to do a realistic recording that gives a good impression, perhaps recording it in relation to another, well known sound? Or you talking while the printer is running? I have seen several videos of the new modules and indeed found them silent as compared to the old ones, on par e.g. with a silent Prusa or so. And indeed 40-60 mm/s is well within the silent regime - I think they mentioned somewhere that 120 mm/s and above they become loud (may be wrong here).
I have the same question. My 350F was purchased in Dec and it sounds more like the old makerbot we had. To compare, it would sound like R2D2 and would sing. I’m also running at 50mm
Huh, interesting… which firmware? Did they perchance mess with that also in the unhappy 1.15.11? Because if not controlled properly, the silent stepper drivers will not be silent…
I found this (German) video, which at 7m10s compares old (1st part) vs new (2nd part) modules - perhaps this a reference for what you can expect:
If you do not get this, I’d reach out to Snapmaker support.
Not so loud but almost…
I will try to post a video soon. however what I don’t see is that the noise is louder when both the X and Y axes move at the same time through a 45 degree angle.
I will try to post a video soon. however what I notice is that the noise is more intense when both the X and Y axes move at the same time through a 45 degree angle.
Hello, is there any chance that the two Y rails are out of sync?