Snapmaker-2 A350 Heated Bed Cable Adapter (Chain) (Hidden)

Here is my cable track version to hide the Heated Bed Cable and to give it more support and to keep it from bending/breaking off. This will 100% Hide the cable below the table/bed keeping it out of harms way. This adapter also provides a quick disconnect at the bed and also 1/2 way in the cable.

Details are on Thingiverse: Snapmaker-2 A350 Heated Bed Cable Adapter (Hidden)

CAUTION: Advanced makers as you will be cutting/soldering wires and changing plug end, and drilling tapping into base !!! Use at your own will and use caution. Not responsible for mis-wiring or damage to your machine.


Just came across your design while imagining a similar one, i.e. drag chain resting on the base. Very nice and clean, thanks for sharing. And, thanks for the X-axis and tool cable solution, also very clean. Will definitely be making that one.

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