Snapmaker 2.0 freezing at 66% whenever I print a certain object

What I’m experiencing is very similar to the following post:

However, the OP in that thread wasn’t experiencing the issue when initiating the print over WiFi and was able to fix the issue by reformatting his USB drives. I, however, still experience the freeze at 66% even over WiFi and even after formatting the USB drive, swapping to a different drive, etc.

The object was sliced using Luban.

So, 10 hours into a 15 hour print, the print head just stops moving and the progress on the screen halts. The screen is still responsive–I can swipe the tools over, control the enclosure lights, temps, etc. Oh, and both the hot end and bed stay heated. I have left it overnight with no change in status. I’ve cut the power and attempted the recover from power failure. It will heat back up, the head will go right to where it is supposed to, the screen will go back to 66% done, and then do nothing.

Here is the original STL:!AgoEQeNlm_C7jv0iAJ7DqL-WrRCvMA?e=ZeV0bl

Here is the gcode generated by Luban:!AgoEQeNlm_C7jv0j7YxgtZSUlJb4Uw?e=qqexL4

Here are the logs:!AgoEQeNlm_C7jv0k654eOfHed1UeFA?e=p7zf9f

The gcode appears to be malformed. At line 742666, it stops with reasonable G commands and has 100k lines of what looks like binary garbage. So, it would appear to be a slicing issue. Like the slicer started outputting garbage at some point. I have resliced the object multiple times.

The log also confirms that the binary garbage in the gcode file appears to be the issue as there is line after line of the following:

670678243,1970.01.08 18:17:58.243,WARN,SC,No reply for 23066328 ms since last response (#742665: G1 X168.806 Y178.6�hN7���0C�&ȏJ�4jr�yq��!�܉0�D��fY/����{y=�z�����Ĭ���Ĭ�tKw�.s,�KT�_�s�z���q�}��Y��j� ���iQ�%fB��q\�ftK�1�|�U#꘼��^۱�Ʈ�]謼�{mq�_>�Xܲ;���x�[�0�B�y�e����/˃�K�Pq���g�zl{^,�I#��p�C�d�#"K+Gm�������Y�kƽ[��/���i������< E��G��݌�9y��ա���^��Cx��F"� �5�i���5��#Y��f�h#�P�(F�ރ��S��=��(���x�Ӹ
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I’m sure the one-line discrepancy (742666 vs 742665) between my editor and the log is that my editor starts at line 1 while the log appears to start at line 0.

So, anyone have any idea why Luban would just start outputing garbage and how to get it to stop? I’m certainly going to open every large print in an editor before wasting hours from now on.

Well, I just upgraded from Luban 3.8.0 to 3.12.3 and resliced. The new gcode generated by 3.12.3 doesn’t have the same garbage. I guess I just chalk this up to a bug in an old version of Luban.


It happened to me several times in a very similar way.

Going to review the G-code before printing.

Thanx you very much for this tip.
