SM2 V1.14.2 Problems when overriding temperatures from display

Using Snapmaker2_V1.14.2.
I have a problem where Cura ‘Initial temperature’ gets ignored, so I have problems with the first layer. I don’t know if it’s a parsing problem intoduced in newer firmwares?.
But the real firmware problem is that overriding the initial temperature using the SM2 Display also does not work! Maybe the problems are related.
When just about to starting the print, if I change the Z offset I can see and hear it is done in realtime. But if I set a new temperature and start the print, this new value is just ignored.
Best I can do is set the value when the printer is waiting for temperature to rise, but even then the printer will start printing at a lower temperature and then starts to go up.
Are there some users with the same problem?

I have not heard of this issue with Cura before. Can you confirm that the right initial temperature is in the gcode? I’m guessing this has to do with either slicer settings or a Cura bug (probably slicer settings) rather than the firmware.

As for adjusting the temperature on the machine, this is expected behavior. As the machine is waiting to heat up, new commands can not be executed leading to the behavior you saw.

I did not bother to check the gcode file, because if it was a cura bug then there is nothing I could do about it.
BUT, in previous firmware, I could override both starting temperatures from the screen and it would work OK (The same whay you change the z-offset).
I will have to check if the override also fails with a luban generated file…

It does as well in Luban

The way that the bed and hotend reach temperature before printing starts is that a line of gcode is run that waits until the hotend/bed are at a certain temperature before any other commands are run. I do not know how this was handled in previous firmware, but this is the expected behavior, and the behavior you are observing.

Again, I think that your issues are more with your cura settings rather than a firmware or slicer bug. If you could share screenshots of your settings (including extruder settings) as well as attach the gcode file that is causing issues, that would be useful in helping to identify and fix the problem.

That line of gcode you talk about, can be overriden from the screen if you press the ‘Adjust settings’ button before starting to print.
It is very useful when you are testing a new material or printing surface, so you dont have to send a new gcode every time.
The overriden values are used until the printer receives a new value (i.e. reaching second layer).
But you will have to wait for the next firmare update to test it, as it does not work in the current one.

I misunderstood your original post. I thought that you meant that when you set an initial layer temperature in cura, the resulting print would not use that initial temperature but would instead set it immediately to the normal print temperature and that you were referring to the live adjust of the print temperature not to the settings before starting the print.

If the problem occurs with both Luban and Cura, then I would agree that it is most likely a bug in the touchscreen firmware which is unfortunately not open source. I would recommend sending a bug report to support to ensure that this is fixed in the next update.

In the meantime, if you do not need the functionality of the most recent firmware, then I would recommend using the last revision that worked for you.

Sorry again for the misunderstanding.

Turns out that you were correct. I am currently experiencing both problems.
The first problem is exactly as you described, except that I did not adjust ‘live’.
The second problem is the override not working, and it’s aggravated by the first problem.
I think that both problems are related.
I already wrote to support and they acknowledged the firmware problem.
Thank you for the help.
Regarding firmware downgrade… I went up because I had this problem where if I cancelled a print and then promptly started it again, the printer would lock up and a restart was needed.
So I will wait for the new firmware.