One of the highlights in our latest firmware update is Vibration Compensation, which aims to support 20% higher print speeds and 100%-200% higher accelerations for Snapmaker 2.0.
However, before we officially release this version to all users, we’d love to hear your thoughts! While the feature brings exciting potential, the current implementation has some limitations:
Recalibration Needed:
Upgrading the firmware will alter leveling and calibration data for three functions, so you’ll need to recalibrate and reconfigure your machine after the update.
No On-Screen Toggle:
The feature can only be turned on/off using G-code commands in Snapmaker Luban, as there is no toggle button available on the touchscreen. A WiKi guide will be provided.
Manual Print Settings Adjustment:
We haven’t yet added preset materials and printing profiles in Luban for optimized higher speed printing with this feature, so you’ll need to manually adjust settings to get the best results. Adjustment tips will be provided.
Your Feedback Matters! Vote below and let us know if you think this version is ready for official release for all users. Leave a comment to share any additional feedback, questions, or suggestions about the feature.
My opinion is this: if the default is the vibration compensation firmware is turned off, then it shouldn’t be an issue to release it to all users. If you plan on adding in an on-screen button later, more intuitive calibration on-screen, or updated Luban profiles, you should wait to release this. If the goal is to only have this available to high level users, then it’s ready to release with the default being disabled. Having a toggle in Luban or Snapmaker Orca to update all the maximum accelerations with vibration compensation enabled would be great!
Yes please! Give us options, and let us decide. Just make sure the Wiki doc is complete and accurate. A future option button on the display and in Luban would be great as well.
If the default is off AND that means no re-calibration, then release it.
If so, there should be a warning of the consequences of switching the feature on.
There are many users (the majority?) out there who don’t use the forum and would be completely unaware of the purposes of this feature. If they did an automatic update unaware, and the re-calibration would be become necessary whether or not they switched on this feature, I can imagine they would not be very happy.
I seem to understand that at higher print speeds beyond general recommendation (e.g. 150 mm/s wth the 8mm lead kickstarter modules) you must expect steps skipped? If so, indeed the default needs to be off. GCode toggle would be acceptable to me. Re-calibration also - after switching toolheads I recalibrate anyhow.
Question: Is the new version based on a more recent Marlin version? That would be a huge plus!
as a high level user wanting more control, i would agree with the default being off. i would add a pop up window on the machine to confirm gcode action… would also like to see luban display and the controller display that we are in the accelerated mode if it is on.
as a “regular” user i have to think how i got here. what happens now is practically muscle memory. when i started the material and profiles were really how i learned what each did by hovering over the entry. after a while i just learned. This is a great interface.
my assumption is that we are pushing the hardware harder. so my question is can the machine be hurt by manual entry if that entry is wrong? if so profiles may need more priority.
so with the above in mind i would say we have a “developer” mode with luban that has this in a container. turn on the developer mode and this feature just becomes available. when the profiles etc get fleshed out then we can move it to mainstream.
@Jade We need to make sure the wiki article includes info on the different shaping algorithms, preferably a list of them in order of smoothing effect from least to most. All users need to be aware that the ideal shaper to use is the one that eliminates ringing AND at the same time with the least amount of smoothing the user finds acceptable. In my testing and tuning of the VC firmware, I found that the default EI shaper produced an excessive amount of smoothing, and have had to test each algorithm to find the best one since there is virtually no documentation even from Marlin on what all the additional shapers do. In Klipper there are only 5 shapers and their order is known, but Marlin and Snapmaker have the same 5 plus an additional 4, with no info on those additional ones, and the order they are listed in the G-code settings does not match their smoothing effect, which makes it quite confusing to know which one to use.
We also need to make sure that users are aware that any future configuration changes, such as adding the Bracing Kit or upgrading to Dual Extrusion module, will require that the VC tuning be re-performed for best outcome.
@Jade, do we have a list of exactly what re-calibrations are needed?
I have found an issue in top surface layers that is present ONLY when the VC is active. Let me know if there is a different forum thread where we should be discussing this.