I have been reading more about an emerging technique referred to input shaping. For those of you who may not have come across it, if refers to a technique to reduce resonance vibration of the tool head in order to increase print speed and possibly accuracy.
Has there been any discussion of adding this capability to the SnapMaker 2.0?
Yeah I would try it. What’s required? …and can I roll back if necessary? My machine is very reliable. I normally have great prints and seldom have a problem. So I want to be able to return to that state if the new firmware doesn’t work for me for some reason.
The topic has all the info
You can flash back and force no problem. Use USB drive.
Just remember what version of firmware you are currently using. You can download it here too.
I have read that post multiple times. I still have some questions. The tests shown in the post have a small number of parameters changed:
Wall Speed
Infill Speed
Travel Speed
Acceleration and
Overhang speed.
But there isn’t enough discussion of the uses of the parameters and why these and not others, and why wall speed is lower in the second test than the first. …and why acceleration is 5,000 in the third test, but only 3500 in the first two. What are the limits and how do you decide where to set the parameters? Also, I cannot find overhang speed in Cura. Is there another name for it there?
I don’t disagree with your points, but it would be more productive to keep the discussion in the same topic, so people who are already subscribed to it, can get notification about your reply and answer to your questions.
The devs tested what they saw fit for producing reliable results.
Probably use one of the tune guides to figure out the settings for your particular needs.
One of these: