Can anyone advise on a camera set up for the a-350 with an enclosure? Ive been looking and researching, but i dont have experience with this sort of thing so i dont want to buy a bunch of unnecessary items. Im looking at a raspberry pi, and an octopi camera, one that recognizes problems. Do i need a power cord? Keyboard? How many gigs does the memory card need, if it needs it? Do i need the starter kit with a fan? Im not looking for exact setups, just general info would be awesome. Is there a better method? Do i need a tri pod? Can i attach to the enclosure? So many variations!
RPi 4 with octoprint is enough. As camera I use a Logitech C270. For mounts you can search thingiverse. I have mine mounted on the enclosure. I have the RPi fan mounted. I don’t know that it is mandatory necessary.
For the RPi you need a 5V power supply at least 2A. 3A or 4A is better. Then you need a USB cable not 100% sure but I think USB mini on the SM side and USB A male at the RPi side. Baudrate 115200.
With the correct marlin commands, RPi can stearing the enclosure lights and fan.
I have made a board to stearing 3 power resistor to heat the enclosure, stearing WS2812 led strips and read the enclosure temperature.
Buy the recommended Power supply for your rpi Version. Rpi5 needs 27W in 5V lane which is quiet unusual.
The USB cable is part of your snapmaker. I also use a Logitech camera with this rudimentary mount: Camera Clip for Snapmaker 2.0 Enclosure by ByteSlinger - Thingiverse
You do not need any further stuff when you bought a rpi Kit with Power supply, SD Card, Case, and maybe cooler. If you bought Bulk rpi, you need to buy those on your own or just Print a Case
Check this one Mintion | Beagle V2 Camera | 3D Printer Camera | Marlin & Klipper Came
People reported here successfull use of beagle cemeras.
Thank you so much! I haven’t bought anything yet, because the choices are endless and i don’t know what I’m looking for, but now i have a better idea of it!
You are very welcome!
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I have 3 2.0 series that I use the Blink Mini Pan/Tilt with a fill flood on it. Its USB powered and connected to wifi network. I then monitor if I am not right at machine. I also use a Amazon SmartPlug to remote strat/stop . Works well and the Mini Pan Tilt is heavy which makes it easy to position and stay put.